Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The 50th Post!!

Yay numbero fifty!!! It's so awesome, this day will become an anniversary for this blog. Woah! Yeah! Totally! Okay, you may not say those phrases like that or those phrases at all, but I DO NOT CARE!!! This is my blog, my phrases. Yeah, c'est moi. Totally. By the by, I took my first exam today. Technically I was supposed to take my first 3 exams but the 1st one was band (the horrible concert was the exam) and the 3rd was track (which had no exam whatsoever). So all I took today was biology. And it was easy. And I got to leave early. Yay me. I just finished the 3rd maximum ride book a few days ago [random alert: The trash truck is outside the office window and making a lot of noise since this window is right next to the alley. Luckily I can't smell it. Very annoying also. Thanks for tuning in to Random Alert! ;) ] and, excuse me (I never thought I'd say that on a blog), I'm finishing my sentence in case you can't keep up. So I finished the 3rd MR book and I want to read the 2nd again but the library never has the 2nd when I go. This is VERY ironic seeing as the 1st MR book I read was the 2nd book since it was the only one they had. so so annoying. Also, the library keeps avoiding me with the books I want. Did that even make sense??? So every time I want a book and look at it online, I go to the library and IT'S NOT THERE!!!! SO FRUSTRATING!!! Anyways, I don't have much time to read. HA, that was a lie! Not true. I have plenty of time to read...even when I have a ton of homework. It's called nighttime. And light, meaning lamps, flashlight, regular light, take your pick. So yeah. I have stupid History homework OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! ISN'T THAT INSANE?!?!?!?!?!? At first I thought she was, you know, joking but seriously...HOMEWORK OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK?????? Doesn't that just suck the fun out of free time? And it's not just any homework, it's a study guide for the next chapter AND A COMPARE/CONTRAST ESSAY DEALING WITH WEIRDO STUFF!!!! AN ESSAY!!!!! HELLO??? HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF RELAXATION??? Ah, the craziness, its getting to me. Sigh. So now I have stupid work to do......sniffle...sniggle. I'm hoping this teacher will recall it. Hopefully. I doubt it though. Here's how she, like, said it to us(as far as I remember):

Random person: Christmas break homework???? (It said it on the board.)
Teach: Yes, you have some.
Random (Maybe another person): How long is it?
Teach: (Hands it out to everyone.)
Everyone almost: A study guide AND an essay?!?!?!?!?!?
Teach: Yes, but the study guide's not long.
Random: What about the essay?
Teach: Well, I want it really good, since you have two whole weeks to do it. You can email it back and forth with me to critique it.
Me (thinking): Um, how about not.
Random: How about our Christmas gift to you, Miss X (not her real name-for privacy issues even though I don't believe in them. Or maybe I do.) is this homework. We'll just give it to you.
Teach: Uh, no. It's MY Christmas gift to you.
Me (thinking): Well, wasn't THAT nice of her. (hear the sarcasm people)
Me: (glaring at her a lot with a not happy look on my face. I think she looked over at me. Not sure though. I kept glaring for the next 5-10 minutes though. I was NOT a happy camper that class.)

So that's how we got the stupid homework. UGH.... This is a preetty long post; I think I'll let you go now. By the way, merry future Christmas in case I don't have time to post anytime soon! Sayonara!

1 comment:

  1. this is my comment replying to all of your comments.
    yup... and i like facts very much. the research is fun. :) ...i'm a nerd.
