Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I love ICE!!!

Now, mind you, that title is not referring to ice as in the solid form of water OR the In Case of Emergency acronym. {This spell check annoys and ignores the heck out of me....} Anyways, the Ice I'm talking about is this guy that doesn't exist...except for on Nintendo DS...okay, yeah, he's in a Pokemon game, so what??? He's SO ...i dunno...amusing. I guess I'll post a video of his clip scene. It's basically where he's calling you a noob and stuff like that...I find it quite hilarious. So, on another note, I hope school is cancelled/late arrival tomorrow. Ugh, I probably just jinxed it there. Also, this is not aimed at me wanting people to have accidents on a slippery, slidey road. So watch out. Drive cooly, calmy, and carefully. Be awesome like that. So.....I guess I'll put up the video sometime soon. See ya chestnut! Sayonara!!! ----Wait I'll put up a pic of Ice just for you to see!!!--nope.......can't find one...sorry.---- Sayonara!!!!

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