Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yup. I was stranded today. Okay, my bus picks all the people up at two stops, so you have to drive to the stop to catch the bus which takes you to school. It's a way shorter distance in case you're confused. So, the same thing happens when the bus drops you off; you get dropped off at the stop, which in this case happens to be a former school I went to.

So. I get off the bus and wait by the door, not going into the school like the other kids to wait because my ride always comes in a few minutes if it's not there at all. So I wait for a minute. And remember that my dad is picking me up which he never does. So I turn on my almost-dead phone and dial his number. It rings once. And goes dead. I turn it on again. And dial faster. Rings twice. Dead. Repeat. This time I hear my dad say hello or something. Before I can respond, it dies. Next time, repeat, I see he's calling me. I answer it, but before I can say hello, it dies. This pattern gradually reaches the point to where my phone will not turn on anymore. It's now totally dead. Which sucks. A lot. So I wait. And wait, while the little kids that go to the school randomly sort of wonder why I'm hanging around outside, not inside. So do the parents that go in to get their kids. I just sit and stare at my dead phone, wishing it would come back to life so I can figure out where the heck my dad is. I wait still until it's been about 30 minutes later. Okay, seriously, wouldn't you freak out if you were stranded with a dead phone at a school where you know practically no one??? Well, I did. So I took a breath and went to the school door to use a phone inside. The problem was...I couldn't open the door. I buzzed in, since it was locked but nothing happened. Then this little girl came up to me from the playground and waited for the door to open for me so she could get in too. I asked her awkwardly how I could open the door, being that weird high schooler and all. She looked at me a little strangely and said that you had to knock on the window to get the people in the cafeteria to open the door. Oh. Who would have guessed. Well, I did see a parent do it, but I figured she was messing around with the kids or something. So I went into the school I haven't been in since 3rd grade and went into the cafeteria to find a phone. So I asked the lady in charge if I could use a phone. She motioned me towards one. Yay. So then I realized I didn't totally know my dad's cell phone number. Don't blame me, because HE changed it a few times, and the one that I had was the old one. And the new one was in the phone book on my DEAD phone. Ugh. So I tried to improvise the number and called it. It was a random business, thankfully not a person. I had gotten it wrong. Darn. So then I dialled my mom at work. Naturally, she was away from her desk, and I was too lazy to leave a message. Then I called my mama and papa. It kept ringing, until I realized they were in a totally different state for my cousin's graduation. UGH! I was getting SO frustrated with this phone. So then I called my dad's office to see if he was there. One of the workers answered and said he had left. Then I looked out the window and saw...MY DAD'S CAR!?!?! I rushed out of the school and to the car where, when I opened the door I promptly yelled, "Where WERE YOU?????" He just said that he had left 5 minutes later than usual and had hit every red light on the way. Yeah, right. Like I believe that. So I had waited at that place for 30 MINUTES!!! Isn't that crazy??? So, yup. That's the story, kelp. Sayonara!


  1. Sorry to hear you got stranded, that's never fun.

    now to respond to you question on my blog. what's up with the accent mark(or accent agiu)? I found out my dad(PaPa Ken did too) used to put one on the end of Ducote, so I figured I'd start that back up again.
    As for the pink shirt, yeah... I don't really have a comment for that other than my mom made me wear it.

  2. that is crazy...wow.
    And yes, about that comment earlier, I really have no idea how to respond. It was just really confusing. And kinda funny.
