Saturday, October 4, 2008


So I was reading the news on Yahoo! today and I read a couple odd stories. One was about a woman calling the police to report a "kitty cat" on her porch that she needed to be shooed away. Well, when the officer got there, on her porch was a MOUNTAIN LION!!! So he ran inside to take shelter. Later they tranquilized it, but apparently the dispatchers edited the woman's call from "big cat" to "kitty cat". That was one big house cat apparently. The next story was about a 7-year-old boy breaking into a zoo and feeding some rare lizards and other reptiles to the zoo's crocodile. HOW DOES A 7-YEAR-OLD BREAK INTO A ZOO AND FEED OTHER ANIMALS TO A CROCODILE???!!!! That's just lousy security right there. So the boy was caught and he clammed up the second he was stopped. So the zoo's going to sue his parents since they were supposedly in control of him in the time (or not.) and because they can't sue anyone under 10. That's just a little strange, yes? So, that's the daily news brought to you personally by Das. Sayonara!

1 comment:

  1. wow. a seven year old. that's crazy. I wouldn't sue him. I'd recruit him for a national spy force or something. we could use talent like that. loti. a kitty cat.
