Thursday, October 2, 2008


Yesterday I was too tired to post about my day and all of its weird happenings so here it is:

1) Walking down the hall going to track, I tripped a teacher by accident since my gym bag's arm strings were dragging on the ground. Oops.

2) In the locker room, while dressing out, I saw a blur go by on the floor. I just figured it was a shirt thrown by someone, right? Then, about two seconds later, someone screamed,"MOUSE!!!" So there was a mouse in the locker room, and I basically snickered at all the girls that had suddenly jumped on the bench and got out of there. The mouse, after scittering from corner to corner suddenly disappeared under the lockers suspiciously close to all my stuff...hmmm...Later I beat out all my stuff with my shoe to make sure they were critter-free.

3) So I was walking to my bus in the parking lot area where they all were, when suddenly I rounded the corner and found myself facing an empty parking spot where my bus should have been. At first I thought the football players or cheerleaders took it to a game, but there was no game today, so there I stood. Then a bus honked. I whirled around. Nothing. The same bus honked again. I looked around again and found my bus honking AT ME. So I got on. The same thing happened to basically all the other people. I sort of laughed at them even though the same happened to me. No sympathy at all.

So that was my exciting day yesterday. Woah or should I say Whoa!
Today was less exciting. I wear free dress; no uniform because of the magazine drive. Yay! I get a whole week of free dress. Awesome. Yeah, yeah, I know you land of the gar people have it every single day but so what. Also, today I watched the movie in theology Contact. It's pretty weird with aliens and stuff. Weird to watch in a religion class, but it had a few faith issues. Whatever; movie days are fun. Then I took a quiz in World History. Pretty easy. Then French was just a review and English was reading and working in a group project. Total mental exhaustion though. Agh. I have two tests tomorrow; biology and geometry. Blah. So, that's it. Sayonara!

1 comment:

  1. nice. tripping a teacher...that's pretty funny.
    seems like you had an interesting day.
