Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Do you know...?

Do you know how exhausting track???? It's like a hundred degrees outside and running just doesn't make it better!!! (Kris-I know you know.) But still! It's craziness, yet...I don't know. It's sort of cool to say "Yeah, I did all that. Yup." without a second thought. But by the end of the day, you're a dirty, sweaty mess of homo sapien. Oh well...it's worth it. In a way...


  1. i agree with that in a way thing...it's kinda annoying. but it is fun. Are you in athletics? Or PE? Or was this a random thought brought about by even randomer things?
    This is random...bye.

  2. do you know how exhausting track?! that's what u said... i know 2... only, i had 2 run when it was like, FREEZING COLD and you were all stiff and everything. totally NOT cool.
