Sunday, August 17, 2008


As you can see, I like watching the stock market; don't ask me why? If you sort of want to understand it, I suggest you read The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. This book is one of my favorites, and I enjoy it every time I read it. So if you want to find out more, pay attention to Turtle's actions dealing with winning the game. The braided tortoise strikes again!


  1. AWW!! did you put that up just for me?! wow. what a great friend... we really should get together sometime... OOH! we HAVE to so we can go see the twilight movie!! :) we all know it's gonna stink, but we're still gonna see it!!! :D
    Thankz SOSOSOSOSOSSOSO (not sos, so so so) much!!!!
    Rian (emi-chan)

  2. WHAT ABOUT ME?! -sniffle-
    yeah...that's book is on my mom's bookshelf...i haven't read it, though...maybe i will, though i still have other stuff to read...okay...bye
