Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Have you ever thought about...a giant squid's eye?

Well, just recently I have learned a giant squid's eye can be as big as a beach ball. Isn't that crazy??? What type of vision they must have??? Well, I guess they need it since they live WAY under water. No light. Only darkness. Can you even imagine living that way??? No color except black. Wait, scratch that; their eyes allow them to see so it can't be all black. Also, I found out why humans can't see in the dark. You see, a cat(a creature that can see in the dark) has big eyes that take up a lot of its head, which means the connection to the brain is close and fast. Humans have smaller eyes in comparison to their heads and the nerves connecting the eyes to the brain are longer and thin. So it takes a while for us to adjust in the dark. Get it? I hope you liked that nugget of information. Sayonara!